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Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention

Worldwide 2014 has been and gone and what a busy week it was. However time never stands still and plans are already in place for 2015 and beyond. Stay in touch as we release details over the next few months!

Called to Serve


2014 Media Archive

We've had many speakers over the last week so don't forget that you can listen and watch the varied talks via our website!

Whilst we do our best to make all talks available, we're not able to publish some of our speakers due to the sensitive nature of their work.

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Thabiti Anywabwile


An interview with Thabiti

We took a moment to interview Thabiti before he went shopping for an anniversary gift to take back to his wife.

Find out what he has to say here!

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Money Matters

Money Matters


One of the objectives of the Convention is to challenge Christians to give of their resources to help in the work of Mission both at home and overseas.

Since 1937, when our work began, almost £4.5 million has been channelled through the Convention for missionary work.

If you're still considering giving through the Convention, remember you can give all year round via our website!

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Worldwide meets the Mayor!

A special event

Worldwide meets the Mayor!

During the convention week the committee and some of our speakers had the honour of attending a reception at Bangor Castle hosted by the Mayor of North Down, Councillor Peter Martin, during the convention week.


Prayer Points

Give thanks for a busy 2014!

After a slow start on the opening Saturday, attendances at the evening meetings held up well throughout the week. Those present heard many challenging addresses and we would ask for prayer that there will be much fruit for the Kingdom as a result, in the weeks and months to come.

An excellent Global Village

Give thanks for an excellent Global Village again this year and pray that the Mission Agency Reps. will have been encouraged by the contacts that will have been made through it.

Children & Young People

Give thanks that the events for Children and Young People were well supported again and have become firmly established in our programme.

Review and Planning

Please pray for the Committee as it meets on the 8th September to review the Convention and that God will give us insight into how He saw it rather than just our own opinions. We will also be looking at the programme for next year’s Convention and need prayer for wisdom in our planning.

Local Clergy

Our new initiative with local clergy got off to a good start. Please pray as we seek ways to develop this relationship.



2014 Media Archive

An interview with Thabiti


Worldwide meets the Mayor!

Prayer Points


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Event Title

2013 Convention

Convention Secretary

Mrs Lesley Stewart
63 Clifton Road, Bangor, Co. Down, BT20 5HY

028 9146 1017

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a member of Global Connections