Worldwide Equip Gathering 20/30s (Saturday Morning Event)

  • Worldwide Equip Gathering 20/30s (Saturday Morning Event)

    Date: Saturday, 17 August 2024

    Time: 9.30 - 13.30

    Venue: 1st Bangor Presbyterian Church

    Speakers: Bob Fu, Taysir Abu Saada and more!

    Cost: £5.00 Per Person


    Join us for another special 20s30s 'Equip' event with worship, interactive prayer, devotional teaching, 20s30s specific seminars and lunch & conversation together with our speakers and each other!

    Contributors include:
    - Bob Fu (China Aid)
    - Tass Abu Saada (Middle East Peace)
    - More TBC

    City Church Bangor
    (1st Bangor Presbyterian) Worship | Teaching | Prayer | Seminars | Lunch Contributors include: Bob Fu, Taysir Abu Saada and more!

    Cost: £5 per adult and £2 per child

    (Please register your place and/or your child via our website.)
    *For parents with young families, there will be a Children’s Programme (for P1 - P7) and also creche facilities available.

    * Children provision *
    - There will be a parallel children's programme running for P1 - P7 children (book separate ticket for each child) and also a free creche available for babies and infants.

    To register your child, simple click 'Add Additional Ticket' below.

    If you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to contact


    Register Now

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