Dr. Beryl D’souza-Vali

Representing: Good Shepherd Healthcare Initiative

Dr. Beryl D’souza-Vali leads the multi-faceted Good Shepherd Healthcare Initiative (GSHI), the healthcare division of Good Shepherd Church of India. GSHI is dedicated to bringing human rights to the poor, marginalized, and outcaste people of India through restoring health and well-being through medical services and preventative treatment. Both passionate about her cause and eloquent in her expression, Dr. D’souza-Vali is quickly becoming one of India’s prominent global campaigners for equality-based healthcare for all of India, especially women and children.  

Specially concerned with the issue of human trafficking and ritualized prostitution, Dr. D’souza-Vali works with other activists and medical professionals around the globe to bring together the required resources to battle mortality and morbidity rates and see oppressed people in India achieve health and well-being in this generation. 


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