Petr Jašek

Representing: The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM)

Since 2002, Petr Jašek has worked with The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) to help aid and assist persecuted Christians in hostile and restricted nations. His background in hospital administration was beneficial in his role overseeing VOM’s efforts to provide medical care to Christians injured by Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria. 

In December 2015, Petr’s life changed dramatically when he was arrested at the airport in Khartoum, Sudan, after meeting with Christians there to evaluate how VOM could best serve them. Petr was convicted of espionage and sentenced to life in prison, before the Czech government negotiated his release in February 2017. 

Throughout Petr’s 445 days in prison, VOM and Christians around the world stood with his family through prayer and other means of support. When Petr was released from prison, he returned to his wife, Wanda, and two grown children in the Czech Republic. 

Petr continues to work with VOM, traveling around the world to speak about his time in prison and to encourage believers to stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters in prayer and action.



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